The positions of the quasi-Fermi levels, nE f ∗ and pE f ∗, in the illuminated semiconductor electrode, relative to the redox potentials of the electrolyte, play a key role in the operation of semiconductor liquid-junction solar cells. A simple method for determining the hole quasiFermi level, pE f ∗ s, at the anode surface of such a 〈 Au/ n GaAsP 0∥ K 2 SO 4 at pH = 4.6∥ Pt〉 cell is presented. Here Au is a 15 nm porous gold film evaporated onto the GaAsP 0 = GaAs 0.6P 0.4 surface. The method consists in monitoring the anode potential, V n, and the gold film potential, V Au, relative to a SCE reference electrode, as the external load and applied potential are varied, and assuming that V n = nE f ∗ and V Au = pE f ∗ s . The near-equality of V Au and pE f ∗ s , under 2 am 1 illumination, follows from the much larger rate of photohole tunnelling between GaAsP 0 and Au, compared to the sum of the rates of all other hole-consuming processes at the surface. Initial hole oxidation of the GaAsP 0 surface is postulated to generate a high resistivity surface film which physically isolates the GaAsP 0 from the bulk of the electrolyte, so that the flat band potential for the Au/GaAsP 0 anode is no longer determined by the GaAsP ∗/electrolyte interaction.
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