The aim of the study was to assess the well-being of sows at a farrowing site with a fixed content in the conditions of industrial pork production technology. The object of the study was suckling sows contained in BDSwing machines on lattice floors. The Welfare Quality® protocol was used for the assessment, modified in accordance with local production features. The well-being of the sows was assessed on the first day after farrowing and again on the 15th day of the suckling period. When processing the data, the total welfare score of the sows was calculated. The fatness of the sows was determined by the thickness of the fat above the last rib on the 30th day of pregnancy and at weaning at 28 days. The statistical analysis was performed using the statistical programming environment R. The reliability of differences between groups of animals in fatness on the 30th day of pregnancy and at weaning was assessed by the Kraskel-Wallis method. Pairwise comparisons were carried out with the Hill correction. In the group of well–off sows, the total score was 0.62 points, while for the conditionally well-off, this parameter was already 2.51 points and the disadvantaged – 4.9 points. The re-evaluation was carried out on the 15th day after farrowing by the same researcher. With minor changes in the total assessment of animals (0.59, 2.49 and 5.12 points, respectively), there is an increase in the total assessment in the group of disadvantaged sows, as well as the movement of animals from one group to another in the direction of aggravation of the condition. Significant differences in fatness between well-off and conditionally well-off and dysfunctional sows on the 30th day of pregnancy were determined. At the same time, although healthy sows differed in the smallest fat thickness, during pregnancy and suckling period, in this group the least loss of fatness to weaning was noted (-0.3 mm).
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