Previous articleNext article No AccessChemical Composition of Certain Aquatic PlantsHorace J. Harper and Harley A. DanielHorace J. Harper Search for more articles by this author and Harley A. Daniel Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Volume 96, Number 1Sep., 1934 Article DOI Views: 6Total views on this site Citations: 17Citations are reported from Crossref Journal History This article was published in the Botanical Gazette (1876-1991), which is continued by International Journal of Plant Sciences (1992-present). PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Rafiq A. Rather, Madhulika Bhagat Utilization of Aqueous Weeds for Biofuel Production: Current Status and Future Prospects, (Feb 2021): 37–57. Royle, R.J. King Aquatic macrophytes in Lake Liddell, New South Wales: biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus status, and changing distribution from 1981 to 1987, Aquatic Botany 41, no.44 (Jan 1991): 281–298. Nwadiaro, Peter Idabor Proximate Composition and Nutrient Elements in the “Unusual” Algal “Jellies” of Lake Oguta in Southern Nigeria, Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 75, no.33 (Jan 1990): 413–420. Van Vierssen The ecology of communities dominated by Zannichellia taxa in western Europe. III. chemical ecology, Aquatic Botany 14 (Jan 1982): 259–294. Dykyjová Selective uptake of mineral ions and their concentration factors in aquatic higher plants, Folia geobotanica & phytotaxonomica 14, no.33 (Sep 1979): 267–325. J. Rawlence, J. S. Whitton Elements in aquatic macrophytes, water, plankton, and sediments surveyed in three North Island Lakes, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 11, no.11 (Mar 2010): 73–93. S. Adams, David R. MacKenzie, Herbert Cole, Marilyn W. Price The influence of nutrient pollution levels upon element constitution and morphology of Elodea canadensis rich. in Michx., Environmental Pollution (1970) 1, no.44 (Apr 1971): 285–298. L. SUTTON, R. D. BLACKBURN UPTAKE OF COPPER IN HYDRILLA*, Weed Research 11, no.11 (Mar 1971): 47–53. N. Riemer, S. J. Toth A Survey of the Chemical Composition of Potamogeton and Myriophyllum in New Jersey, Weed Science 17, no.22 (Jun 2017): 219–223. E. Boyd Fresh-water plants: a potential source of protein, Economic Botany 22, no.44 (Oct 1968): 359–368. M. Mackenthun The Phosphorus Problem, Journal - American Water Works Association 60, no.99 (Sep 1968): 1047–1054. Stake Higher vegetation and phosphorus in a small stream in central sweden, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie 30, no.22 (Sep 1968): 353–373. Straškraba Der Anteil der höheren Pflanzen an der Produktion der stehenden Gewässer, SIL Communications, 1953-1996 14, no.11 (Dec 2017): 212–230. A. Caines The phosphorus content of some aquatic macrophytes with special reference to seasonal fluctuations and applications of phosphate fertilizers, Hydrobiologia 25, no.1-21-2 (Mar 1965): 289–301. R. Anderson, Russell G. Brown, Robert D. Rappleye Mineral composition of Eurasian water milfoil,Myriophyllum spicatum L, Chesapeake Science 6, no.11 (Mar 1965): 68–72. Juday Chemical Composition of Large Aquatic Plants, Science 81, no.20982098 (Mar 1935): 273–273. Juday Chemical Composition of Large Aquatic Plants, Science 81, no.20982098 (Mar 1935): 273–273.
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