Few published studies describe the biological properties of calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) for dental applications. We measured several biologically relevant properties of 3 CPCs over an extended (8 wk) interval. Monocalcium phosphate, calcium oxide, and synthetic hydroxyapatite were combined with either modified polyacrylic acid, light-activated modified polyalkenoic acid, or 35% w/w polymethyl vinyl ether maleic acid to obtain Types I, II, and III CPCs, respectively. Set cements were placed in direct contact with L929 fibroblasts for up to 8 weeks. Media Ca(+2) and pH were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy and pH electrode respectively. Cell mitochondrial function was measured by MTT assay. Type I cements suppressed mitochondrial activity > 90% (vs. Teflon controls), but significantly (p < 0.05) improved to control levels over 8 weeks. Type II cements suppressed mitochondrial activity > 90% at all times. Type III cements elevated mitochondrial activity significantly after 7 wks. The pH profiles approached neutrality by 24 h, and all cements released calcium into the storage medium at all periods (24 h - 8 wk). We concluded that several types of cements had long-term biological profiles that show promise for dental applications.