In a recent paper (I) facts were presented which indicate that polyvalent cations do not cause an increase in the resistance of Laminaria if they are combined with polyvalent anions, and it seems natural to suppose that the difference between the action of a salt with a bivalent cation and a monovalent anion, e.g., MgC12, and one with a bivalent cation and a bivalent anion, such as MgSO4, is due to the extra charge on the anion. Cations seem to cause an increase in resistance and anions a decrease. In MgC12 the action of the cation is dominant; in MgSO4, the action of the anion. If this effect is due to electrical charge, we may ask what will happen if the same ion is used as cation and as anion. This problem seems at first glance to present great difficulties because it is necessary to work with solutions which are not strongly acid or alkaline. Certain elements (such as aluminum, arsenic, chromium, etc.) exist both as cations and as anions, but they are very weak acids or bases and solutions of their salts are not neutral. The difficulty may be surmounted in a measure, however, by adding enough acid to the alkaline solution to bring its pH value down to that of the acid solution. If necessary the conductivity, may be increased by mixing with a neutral salt (e.g., NaCl). For this purpose, chromous chloride, sodium chromate, chromic acid, and sodium chloride were used. The chromous chloride is not soluble enough to make the conductivity equivalent to that of normal sea water, and in order that the osmotic pressure of the sea water (with which the solution is compared) should not be too low, the chromous chloride was mixed with sodium chloride. The final solution was then composed of 50 percent chromous chloride 0.6I M and 50 percent sodium chloride 0.52 M. This mixture has greater electrical resistance than sea water and has a pH of about 4.5 as determined by the hydrogen electrode. When tissue is transferred to tbis mixture from diluted sea water of the same conductivity, the following changes in resistance are observed (see fig. i, A): 464
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