ArticlePlus Click on the links below to access all the ArticlePlus for this article. Please note that ArticlePlus files may launch a viewer application outside of your web browser. To the Editor: There is a strong relationship between a woman’s weight just prior to pregnancy, or in early pregnancy, and her risk of gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, placental dysfunction, and adverse perinatal events1–5 In the past decade, the prevalence of obesity among pregnant women may have increased.6,7 Less is known about ethnic-specific temporal trends in maternal weight and the risk of obesity in pregnancy. Examining these trends is the goal of the Trends in Obesity in Pregnancy Study, which is a population-based study, derived using an administrative database, as described elsewhere.4 Briefly, since late 1993, standardized maternal serum screening has been available to all women in Ontario, at 15 to 20 weeks’ gestation, through their physician or midwife. Steady uptake has occurred from 1994 onward. Data about maternal date of birth, parity, ethnicity, and weight are recorded in a standardized fashion on a form, completed by the caregiver at the time of the screening. We defined the mutually exclusive overweight, obese, and severely obese states as presented in the footnote to the Table 1.8,9 The prevalence of each state in the years 1994 and 2000 were compared using polychotomous logistic regression analysis. The resulting odds ratios were adjusted for maternal age, ethnicity, parity, gestational age at weight measurement and presence of a multifetal pregnancy.TABLE 1: General Characteristics of Participants at the Time of Maternal Serum Screening in Ontario, 1994–2000A total of 369,740 women underwent maternal serum screening, at an average of 16.3 weeks’ gestation (Table 1). In each ethnic group, the median gravidity was 2 and the median parity 1. Among all women, as well as within each of the 4 ethnic groups, there was a significant increase in mean maternal weight over time, based on a time- series model incorporating a linear trend term (P < 0.001; Fig. 1 available with the electronic version of this article at Among all women, the prevalence of the overweight state increased from 9.6% in 1994 to 11.4% in 2000 (adjusted odds ratio = 1.37; 95% confidence interval = 1.31–1.43). The prevalence of obesity rose from 4.0% to 5.6% (1.7; 1.6–1.8), and severe obesity increased from 0.99% to 1.5% (1.8;1.6–2.0). As a limitation, height was not recorded in TOPS, and body mass index was not calculated. At the same time, maternal weight approximates BMI quite well,10,11 and by limiting our assessment of mean weight to each ethnic group, we were able to control, to a degree, for the variation in height between racial groups.12 Since maternal weight was recorded at around the same gestational age, and we further adjusted for gestational age, ethnicity and other factors, variance and confounding were likely minimized. The data from this study are consistent with other studies of temporal weight trends in pregnancy.6,13 These data also parallel rising trends of obesity among children and adolescents in the United Kingdom8 and United States.9 Together, they emphasize that the rate of obesity and morbid obesity in pregnancy is likely to increase over the next decade. This study provides novel information about weight trends according to broad ethnic groups, and the results highlight the need to consider preventive strategies among all ethnic groups, including those traditionally deemed to be at “low risk,” such as women of Asian ancestry. Given that weight loss during pregnancy may have untoward effects, preventing maternal obesity requires action before a woman reaches her reproductive years. Promoting controlled calorie-energy intake and higher energy expenditure in childhood or adolescence may be the most sensible approach.14,15 Ongoing epidemiologic surveillance is needed to detect any change in the incidence of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, operative or preterm delivery or perinatal mortality, also stratified by maternal weight or BMI before, or in early pregnancy. Joel G. Ray Departments of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Health Policy Management and Evaluation [email protected] Rosane Nisenbaum Gita Singh Centre for Research on Inner City Health Chris Meier Department of Medical Affairs St. Michael’s Hospital University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario Andrea Guerin Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry University of Western Ontario London, Ontario Philip R. Wyatt Department of Genetics York Central Hospital Richmond Hill, Ontario Marian J. Vermeulen Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario
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