The properties of borosilicate glass polycapillary x-ray optics have been extensively studied. Small-area scatter rejection borosilicate glass polycapillary optics have been demonstrated with good results. Many medical imaging and industrial radiographic applications for x rays would require large-area optics with good scatter rejection. Since shorter optics are easier to manufacture, optics with a shorter length would provide a faster route to bringing the benefit of polycapillary x-ray optics to these applications. Leaded glass would allow the optic to be much shorter and still give good contrast enhancement, because of the superior absorption of lead glass. In order to investigate the feasibility of using leaded glass polycapillary x-ray optics for these applications, measurements and simulations have been performed on the behavior of leaded glass polycapillary fibers in the 9–80 keV energy range. The transmission efficiencies of these fibers of different types and lengths were measured as a function of source location and x-ray energy. The measurements were analyzed using a geometrical optics simulation program, which included roughness, waviness, bending effects, and a leaded glass filter layer. Despite low transmission at low energies, leaded glass polycapillary x-ray optics with a length of 30–60 mm seem promising for many high-energy (>20 keV) x-ray applications. The longer fibers have transmission efficiency of up to 50% in the 35–40 keV, and very low scatter transmission of less than 0.06% up to 80 keV.