Ozet Bu calismada, Gumuscay, Curuksu ve Buyuk Menderes Nehri'nin Denizli sinirlari icerisinde su kalitesi ve tasidigi kirlilik yukleri belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Olcumler aylik donemler halinde bir yil sure ile yapilmistir. Olculen parametrelere, SPSS 15.00 yazilimi yardimiyla Faktor Analizi testi uygulanarak, neden-sonuc iliskileri irdelenmistir. Olcum noktalarindan alinan su numunelerinin sicaklik, pH, iletkenlik, tuzluluk, toplam cozunmus kati madde, cozunmus oksijen ihtiyaci, kimyasal ve biyolojik oksijen ihtiyaci degerleri Su Kirliligi ve Kontrolu Yonetmeligi'ne gore irdelenmistir. Buna gore; Gumuscay ve Curuksu organik madde konsantrasyonu bakimindan IV. sinif, Buyuk Menderes Nehri (Saraykoy Koprusunde) ise III. sinif su kalitesinde oldugu belirlenmistir. Curuksu ve Buyuk Menderes'in (Saraykoy Koprusunde) toplam cozunmus kati madde yonunden II. sinif su kalitesinde oldugu anlasilmistir. Hesaplamalar neticesinde, Gumuscay'in Curuksu'ya verdigi tuzluluk orani yaklasik %16, Curuksu'nun, Buyuk Menderes Nehri'ne verdigi oran ise yaklasik %70 olarak bulunmustur. Saraykoy Koprusunde Buyuk Menderes Nehri toplam cozunmus madde miktarinin yaklasik % 70'i Curuksu'dan kaynaklanmaktadir. Curuksu'nun Buyuk Menderes'e karismadan onceki debisinin karistiktan sonraki debisine orani (Saraykoy Koprusunde) yaklasik %57 olmasina ragmen, organik madde yuku orani %75 bulunmustur. Gelecekte Buyuk Menderes Nehri'nin su kalitesine iliskin yapilacak strateji gelistirme calismalarina Curuksu Cayi su kalitesinin iyilestirilmesi ile baslanmasinin yerinde olacagi dusunulmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyolojik oksijen ihtiyaci (BOI 5 ), Buyuk Menderes Nehri, Curuksu Cayi, kimyasal oksijen ihtiyaci (KOI), tuzluluk. Abstract It is aimed to determine the water quality and pollution parameters which are carried by Gumuscay and Curuksu Creek's to River Buyuk Menderes (RBM). Cause and effect relations of measured parameters are investigated by SPSS 15.00 statistical software Factor Analyze approach. Temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solid material, dissolved oxygen demand, chemical and biological oxygen demand values of water samples which are taken from designated measurement stations, are investigated in the light of Water Pollution and Management Regulation. Water samples taken from 6 different location of RBM, Curuksu and Gumuscay, are measured monthly throughout whole year. It is obtained that Gumuscay and Curuksu is 4th, RBM (about Saraykoy Bridge) is 3th class of water quality according to the organic matter concentration values. Total dissolved solid material vales of water samples shows that Curuksu and RBM (about Saraykoy Bridge) is 2nd class of water quality. According to the results, 16 % salinity ratio of Curuksu is due to Gumuscay and approximately 70 % salinity ratio of RBM is due to waters mix from Curuksu. Also 70 % of total dissolved material in RBM about Saraykoy is due to Curuksu. The rate between flow values of Curuksu before mix with RBM and flow values of Curuksu after mix with RBM is approximately 57 %, although the rate of organic matter load value is 75 %. It is underlined that, the strategy development studies that will be done to rehabilitate the water quality of RBM could be start with the rehabilitation of water quality of Curuksu.
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