Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes David Zeidan, ‘The Alevi of Anatolia’,, p.1. R. Çamuroğlu ‘Alevi Revivalism in Turkey’ in T.Olsson, E.Özdalga and C. Raudvere (eds.), Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 1998), p.84, Ayşe Ayata ‘The Emergence of Identity Politics in Turkey’, New Perspectives on Turkey, No.17, 1997, p.30; T. Erman and E.Göker, ‘Alevi Politics in Contemporary Turkey’, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.36, No.4. Oct. 2000, p.99. T. Erman and E. Göker, ‘Alevi Politics in Contemporary Turkey’, p.99. Karin Vorhoff, ‘Academic and Journalistic Publications on the Alevi and Bektaşi of Turkey’ in T. Olsson, E. Özdalga and C. Raudvere (eds.), Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 1998), pp.23–50. M.H.Yavuz, ‘Alevilerin Türkiye'deki Medya Kimlikleri: “Ortaya Çıkış”ın Serüveni’, in Türkiye'de Aleviler Bektaşiler Nusayriler (Tartışmalı İlmi Toplantılar Dizisi: 28, Ensar Neşriyat, İstanbul, 1999), p.70. Following as T. Erman and E. Göker explained, I have chosen to use Turkish term Alevilik instead of Aleviniss and Alevism because it covers both its ideological construction as a social movement and its social identity aspect. For an introductory discussion, see F. Bilici ‘The Function of Alevi–Bektaşi Theology in Modern Turkey, in T. Olsson, E. Özdalga and C. Raudvere (eds). Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 1998), pp 51–63. That should not be understood for all Alevi. No doubt many Alevi are also very conservative in many aspects. I. Melikoff, ‘Bektaşi/ Kızılbaş: Historical Bipartition and its Consequences’ in T. Olsson, E. Özdalga and C. Raudvere (eds.), Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 1998), p.7. F.Bilici, ‘The Function of Alevi-Bektaşi Theology in Modern Turkey’, in T. Olsson, E. Özdalga and C. Raudvere (eds.), Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 1998), p.52. D. Shankland, ‘Anthropology and Ethnicity: The Place of Ethnography in New Alevi Movement’ in T. Olsson, E. Özdalga and C. Raudvere (eds.), Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 1998), pp.21–2. D.Shankland, Islam and Society in Turkey (The Eothen Press, 1999), pp.132–68; The Alevis in Turkey: The Emerge of Secular Islamic Tradition (London: Routledge Curzon, 2003), pp.154–72. A. Yalçınkaya, Alevilikte Toplumsal Kurumlar (Ankara: Mülkiyeliler Birliği Yayını, 1996), pp.199. D. Shankland, The Alevis in Turkey: The Emerge of Secular Islamic Tradition, p.173. Ibid., pp.174–82. R. Çamuroğlu, ‘Alevi Revivalism in Turkey’, p.79. D. Shankland, The Alevis in Turkey: The Emerge of Secular Islamic Tradition, p.169. R. Çamuroğlu, ‘Alevi Revivalism in Turkey’, p.79. Ibid., p.80. T. Erman and E. Göker, ‘Alevi Politics in Contemporary Turkey’, p.100. M. Aringberg-Laanatza, ‘Alevis in Turkey Alawites in Syria: Similarities and Differences’ in T. Olsson, E. Özdalga and C. Raudvere (eds.). Alevi Identity: Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives (Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 1998), p.155. This case is known as the ‘Sivas Massacre’. In July 1993, 36 mostly Alevi artists attending a cultural festival in the central Anatolian city of Sivas died when an angry mob of radical Sunni Muslims and right wing militants set fire to their hotel. Local authorities and police did nothing to prevent the tragedy. R.Çamuroğlu, ‘Alevi Revivalism in Turkey’, p.80. Ibid; T. Erman and E.Göker, ‘Alevi Politics in Contemporary Turkey’, p.100. D.Shankland, The Alevis in Turkey: The Emerge of Secular Islamic Tradition, p.156. D. Shankland, ‘Islam and Society in Turkey’, pp.170–1. D.Shankland, The Alevis in Turkey: The Emerge of Secular Islamic Tradition, p.159. According to the Alevi Dernekleri Federasyonu. < > , TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Dönem 21, Cilt 4, Yasama Yılı 1. 25. Birleşim, 28.06.1999. Bu merkez tarafından çekilen ‘Hoca Ahmet Yesevi'den Hacı Bektaş Veli'ye 13. Yüzyılda Anadolu'da Türk Hümanızmasının Kaynakları,’ adlı 13 bölümlük belgesel TRT'de Ekim 2000'de yayınlanmaya başlamıştır. TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Dönem 20, Cilt 39, Yasama Yılı 3. 28. Birleşim 16.12.1997. TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Dönem 21, Cilt 1, Yasama Yılı 1.11.Birleşim,04.06.1999. TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Dönem 21, Cilt 4, Yasama Yılı 1, 23. Birleşim, 26. 06.1999, TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Dönem 21, Cilt 21, Yasama Yılı 2, 38. Birleşim, 20.12.1999. D. Shankland, ‘Anthropology and Ethnicity: The Place of Ethnography in New Alevi Movement’, p.22.