In the present era, social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Telegram are significant sources of information distribution, and people believe it without knowing their origin and genuineness. Social media has fascinated people worldwide in spreading fake news due to its easy availability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of information sharing. Fake news can be generated to mislead the community for personal or commercial gains. It can also be used for other personal benefits such as defaming eminent personalities, amendment of government policies, etc. Thus, to mitigate the awful consequences of fake news, several research types have been conducted for its detection with high accuracy to prevent its fatal outcome. Motivated by the aforementioned concerns, we present a comprehensive survey of the existing fake news identification techniques in this paper. Then, we select Machine Learning (ML) models such as Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), Passive Aggressive Algorithm, Random Forest (RF), and Naive Bayes (NB) and train them to detect fake news articles on the self-aggregated dataset. Later, we implemented these models by hyper tuning various parameters such as smoothing, drop out factor, and batch size, which has shown promising results in accuracy and other evaluation metrics such as F1-score, recall, precision, and Area under the ROC Curve (AUC) score. The model is trained on 6335 news articles, with LSTM showing the highest accuracy of 92.34% in predicting fake news and NB were showing the highest recall. Based on these results, we propose a hybrid fake news detection technique using NB and LSTM. At last, challenges and open issues along with future research directions are discussed to facilitate the research in this domain further.
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