The nature, mode of action, and neuroendocrine mechanisms of hypothalamic releasing hormones have been reviewed, LH releasing hormones can be used for (a) basic research in neuroendocrinology, (b) diagnostic tool to differentiate hypothalamic and pituitary disorders in clinical gynecology; and (c) to induce ovulation in mature and immature females.Prepubertal female rats of 28, 32 and 39 days of age were treated with a single dose 0–300 μg of LRF, and examined for oviductal ova 20 h later. Ovulation was not induced in all the females within 24 h. Doses less than 300 μg had no effect on ovarian and uterine weight. In 28 and 32 day old rats treated with 300 μg of LRF, an increase in ovarian and uterine weight was equivalent to the increase resulting from 1 mg of LH. To determine the effective dose of LRF for ovulation, 23 day old rats were primed with 5 I.U. of PMD, ovulation occurred 2 h following LRF treatment, as in rats injected with 1 mg of LH. In another experiment, rats 18–23-days of age were injected with 0–80 μg of LRF about 56 h following 5 i.u. of PMS injection. The response was age-dependent: 5μg of LRF caused ovulation in 21-day-old rats, whereas 10 μg evoked this response in 18-day-old rats.A possible relationship between folliculogenesis and LRF-induced ovulation was examined. Twentyone and 25-day-old rats were primed with 5 I.U. of PMS and a single injection of LRF (40 μg) at 24, 30, 36 and 42 h after PMS treatment. The females were examined for ovulation 20 h later. Ovulation occurred only in a few 25-day olds when LRF treatment was given after 24 h of priming, whereas all ovulated when priming was done for 36 h after PMS treatment; however, ovulation was induced by 1 mg of LH. Only 20 and 50% of the rats showed ovulation when primed 30 and 36 h respectively. Estradiol has a stimulating effect on the release of LH in adult rats. Twenty-five-day-old rats were primed first with 10 μg of estradiol, and a single dose of LRF (0–100 μg) about 48 h. then autopsied 24 h later. Vaginal opening was observed in all of the rats but ovulation did not occur in all. The possible interaction between various doses of estrogen and the time of LRF injection after estrogen priming will be examined. Sexual maturity in the female involves an interaction between the synthesis and the release of hypothalamic releasing hormones and functional integrity of the hypothalamo-hypophysealovarian axis.
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