Burnup calculations based on one-dimensional slab model approximation have been performed to determine the variations occurring in the neutronic characteristics of a pancake-shaped 1,000 MWe sodium-cooled fast breeder when operated under a specified refueling scheme. The fissile plutonium enrichment [fiss.Pu/(Pu+U)] of the initially loaded fuel is 18.0%. It proves from the present calculations that the partial replacement of spent fuel according to the specified scheme requires use of fresh fuel containing 21.6% fissile plutonium in order to prevent the decline of reactivity with progress of refueling cycles. The above enrichment of the replacement fuel will assure equilibrium of the neutronic characteristics after about 5 years of operation. Thus, unless the refueling charges are provided with fissile plutonium enrichment higher than that of the initially loaded fuel, the state of the reactor will soon fall below criticality. When the refueling cycle is repeated with fuel of the above specified enrichment, the breeding ratio will decline with progress of operation, from 1.24 in the initial state to 1.14 in the equilibrium state. At the same time, both sodium void effect and Doppler coefficient will tend toward more unfavorable values, the former from −0.083Δk/k% to −0.068Δk/k% (calculated for cases of complete sodium removal from core), and the latter from −0.0075T-dk/dT to −0.0051T-dkldT (with sodium). Thus, reactor safety is foreseen to be gradually encroached as the operation progresses.