Meteoritic impacts on planetary surfaces deliver a significant amount of energy that can produce prebiotic organic compounds such as cyanides, which may be a key step to the formation of biomolecules. To study the chemical processes of impact-induced organic synthesis, we simulated the physicochemical processes of hypervelocity impacts (HVI) in experiments with both high-speed 13C60+ projectiles and laser ablation. In the first approach, a 13C60+ beam was accelerated to collide with ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) to reproduce the shock process and plume generation of meteoritic impacts on nitrogen-rich planetary surfaces. In a complementary investigation, a high-power laser was focused on a mixture of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and either ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) or sodium nitrate (NaNO3) to induce atomization and enable the study of molecular recombination in the postimpact plume. Additionally, isotopically spiked starting material, namely, Ca13CO3, 15NH4Cl, Na15NO3, and 15NH415NO3, was also employed to disambiguate the source of prebiotic molecule production in the resulting recombination plume. Both experiments independently demonstrated the formation of CN- ions as recombination products, with characteristic mass peak shifts corresponding to the isotopic labeling of the starting material. Yield curves generated from the laser experiments using varying ratios of calcite and NH4Cl or NaNO3 indicate that nitrate enables more efficient production of CN- than ammonium. Thermodynamic software modeling of the laser ablation plume confirmed and further elucidated the experimental yield results, producing good agreement of modeled CN- yield with observed yield curves. These models indicate that the reduction of atomic N from incomplete NH4- atomization during the ablation pulse may have contributed to the lower CN- yield from the ammonia source relative to the nitrate source. The results of these experiments demonstrated that CN-, and by proxy, hydrogen cyanide, and other organic precursor molecules could have formed from carbonate deposits, a previously under-appreciated source of organic carbon for impact-induced organic synthesis. These results have implications for the formation of life during meteoritic bombardment on early Earth as well as for other carbonate-bearing planetary bodies such as Mars and Ceres.
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