Summary We report, for the first time, the occurrence of five palladium-rich, one palladium bearing and two gold-silver minerals from podiform chromitites in the Eastern Alps. Minerals identified include braggite, keithconnite, stibiopalladinite, potarite, mertieite II, Pd-bearing Pt-Fe alloy, native gold and Ag-Au alloy. They occur in heavy mineral concentrates produced from two massive podiform chromitite samples (unaltered and highly altered) of the Kraubath ultramafic massif, Styria, Austria. Distribution patterns of platinum-group elements (PGE) in these chromitites show considerable differences in the behaviour of the less refractory PGE (PPGE-group: Rh, Pt, Pd) compared to the refractory PGE (IPGE-group: Os, Ir, Ru). PPGE are more enriched in chromitite showing pronounced alteration features. The unaltered chromitite displays a negatively sloped chondrite-normalised PGE pattern similar to typical ophiolitic-podiform chromitite. Except for the Pd- and Au-Ag minerals that are generally rare in ophiolites, about 20 other platinum-group minerals (PGM) have been discovered. They include PGEsulphides (laurite, erlichmanite, kashinite, bowieite, cuproiridsite, cuprorhodsite, unnamed Ir-rich variety of ferrorhodsite, unnamed Ni-Fe-Cu-Rh- and Ni-Fe-Cu-Ir-Rh monosulphides), PGE alloys (Pt-Fe, Ir-Os, Os-Ir and Ru-Os-Ir), PGE-sulpharsenides (irarsite, hollingworthite, platarsite, ruarsite and a number of intermediate species), sperrylite and a Ru-rich oxide (?). Three PGM assemblages have been recognised and attributed to different processes ranging from magmatic to hydrothermal and weathering-related. Pd-rich minerals are characteristic of both chromitite types, although their chemistry and relative proportions vary considerably. Keithconnite, braggite and Pd-bearing ferroan platinum, together with a number of PGE-sulphides (mainly lauritePresent address: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany