This paper explores the response of a floating ice sheet to a forced, time-harmonic oscillatory pressure applied to the ice-covered surface of a uniform, finite depth fluid. The floating ice sheet is modeled as a thin elastic plate following the Euler–Bernoulli beam equation, with the additional consideration of in-plane compressive forces acting on the ice. Employing linear wave theory, the problem is presented as an initial boundary value problem and is solved using Laplace and Fourier transforms to obtain a mathematical expression for the ice sheet's deflection in terms of infinite integrals. These integrals are thereafter solved asymptotically for large time and distance using the stationary phase method. The asymptotic analysis indicates a growing response over time when the poles and stationary points of the phase functions coalesce. The deflection of the floating ice sheet is graphically presented, highlighting the effects of various non-dimensional parameters, such as flexural rigidity, compressive force, uniform current speed, and the angular frequency of the oscillatory pressure. Additionally, the group velocity and phase velocity of flexural gravity waves are derived from the dispersion relation and elucidated using diagrams. The results show that compressive force and current speed significantly influence wave amplitude, enhancing the oscillatory nature, while the flexural rigidity of the elastic plate and the angular frequency of the applied pressure have a substantial impact on the plate's deflection.
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