The Northeast Quadrant panel, comprising geoscientists from Mexico, Canada, U.S.A., Central America, and Hawaii, was originally organized under the direction of C. A. Burk in 1973. He was succeeded by K. J. Drummond in 1976. For the Northeast Quadrant, compilation of all maps at a scale of 1:10,000,000 is under way with the cooperation of all countries involved. Published maps ready for display include the Geographic map and the Plate-Tectonic map. The latter shows the active lithospheric plates, their boundaries, and associated geologic phenomena. Present day movements are illustrated by seismicity, vulcanism, and plate motion vectors. These, with spreading axis and magnetic lineations, demonstrates how the present configuration of continental masses and oceanic basins evolved through interaction of the various plates. Preliminary color proofs of other maps are also ready to be displayed. These include Geologic, Mineral Resources, and Energy Resources maps. The Mineral Resources map has been prepared under the direction of Phil Guild, U.S. Geological Survey, with major contributions from Ken Dawson, Geological Survey of Canada, and Bill Sala , Consejo de Recursos Minerales, Mexico. This map depicts the geographic distribution of mineral deposits by symbol which show the class, size, and age of mineralization, overprinted on a geologic/tectonic background. The Geologic map attempts to show the relationship between continental and oceanic regimes. Numerous elements for the Tectonic and Geodynamics maps have been compiled and work copies of this material can be viewed. These include preliminary tectonic maps, gravity and magnetic compilations, geothermal and heat flow data, crustal thickness, etc. The Northeast Quadrant panel welcomes suggestions and corrections from all interested geoscientists. End_of_Article - Last_Page 965------------