Stainless steels are regarded as the reference materials for metal bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) due to their low cost and weight, high electrical conductivity, flexural strength, ease of machining, and ability to be formed into thin sheets. The main drawback is their susceptibility to corrosion in typical acidic, oxidizing environments of PEMFCs, 1,2,3 which can degrade the performance of the plate and other components of the PEMFC. The simultaneous presence of iron ions released by corrosion of the BPP and hydrogen peroxide is responsible for hydroxyl radical production, resulting in degradation of the membrane and cathode catalyst layer ionomer.4 Applying a protective coating to the metal bipolar plates is an effective way to improve its corrosion resistance.5 This work investigates corrosion rates of SS316L bipolar plates on the basis of the measured concentrations of cations (e.g., Fe, Cr, and Ni) in an aqueous electrolyte as a function of applied potential and corrosion environment.Techniques employing electrochemical flow cells (EFC) directly coupled to an inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) allow for more precise time- and potential-resolved detection of dissolved species. This work will report real-time data on leaching of Fe, Cr, and Ni from SS316L substrates subjected to potential cycles using a flow-through electrochemical cell coupled with an on-line ICP-MS instrument, with sub-part per billion (ppb or μg/L) sensitivity, providing the ability to resolve dissolution during potential scans. The results of this work provide a baseline for studying the efficacy of stainless steel bipolar plate coatings in mitigating degradation of PEMFCs. References Leng, P. Ming, D. Yang, C. Zhang. J. of Power Sources 451, (2020) 227783.Kumagai, S.-T. Myung, T. Ichikawa, H. Yashiro, Y. Katada, J. Power Sources 202 (2012) 92.D. Papadias, R. K. Ahluwalia, J. K. Thomson, H. M. Meyer III, M. P. Brady, H. Wang, J. A. Turner, R. Mukundan, R. Borup. J. of Power Sources 273 (2015) 1237.Elferjani, G. Serre, B. Ter-Ovanessian, B. Normand. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46, (2021), 32226-32241.Liu, Q. Jia, B. Zhang, Z. Lai, L. Chen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47, (2022) 22915. Acknowledgements This research is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office under the auspices of the M2FCT consortium. Argonne National Laboratory is managed for the U.S Department of Energy by the University of Chicago Argonne, LLC under contract DE-AC-02-06CH11357.
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