Aim: Ligneous periodontitis is an infectious disease characterized by the inflammation of the supporting periodontal tissues, resulting in attachment and alveolar bone loss with plasminogen deficiency. This case report shows the treatment and follow-up of patient who have ligneous periodontitis. Case Report: Fifteen years old boy who had ligneous periodontitis applied to our periodontology clinic. Clinical and radiographic evaluation revealed severe periodontal breakdown around all teeth. Intraoral soft tissues were characterized by gingival reddening and swelling and the patient complained of periodic discharge of pus from the periodontal pockets, mobility, and severe pain. The probing depths were more than 7 mm %58 percent probing areas and there were radiolucent lesions around the teeth in panoramic radiograph. Full-mouth subgingival scaling and root planing under local anesthesia was performed and the pocket wall is gently retracted with a periodontal curette in an attempt to initiate drainage through the pocket entrance. Systemic amoxicillin and clavulanic acid applied for antibiotic therapy. Result: The goal of treatment was to create a clinical condition that is conducive to retaining as many teeth as possible for as long as possible but alveolar bone loss around the teeth was too severe. Systemic disorders such as plasminogen deficiency increase a patient's susceptibility to destructive periodontitis and have impacts on periodontal disease progression and severity. Key Words: Ligneous periodontitis, plasminogen deficiency, systemic diseases, alveolar bone loss