This study examined the effects of demographic factors on plantain production in Edo State, using Ovia Northeast Local Government Area as a case study. Primary data were collected with a multistage sampling procedure. Ten (10) plantain farming communities (Utese, Uhen, Egbeta, Ogbese, Okada, Iguomo, Aghanokpe, Ugbuwe, Ofunwengbe and Ugboke) were purposely selected and fifteen (15) plantain farmers were selected randomly from the communities to get a total of one hundred and fifty (150) respondents. Data were analysed using descriptive and regression statistics. The Findings revealed that majority (66%) of the farmers were male, with average farm size of 2.63hectares, mean age of farmers at 40 years, educational level of secondary school, farming experience of between 11 and 20 years respectively. The regression analysis shows that education level (0.255), marital status (0.149), farm size (0.666) and farming experience (0.603) coefficients were positive, an indication that these variables have direct effect on plantain production in the study area. About 55.7% variation in the farmers output were explained by the demographic factors which also are confirmed by F-ratio (25.489) that is significant at -level of probability. Based on the findings, government should facilitate policies towards education of farmers, subsidize alternatives to labour for farm activities and enhance availability of arable land to plantain farmers in Edo state. I. Introduction: Plantain (Musa ssp.) belongs to the family Musaceae. The crop is widely grown all over the World and its production in Africa is estimated at more than 50% of the World production (FAO, 1990). Majority (82%) of the plantain output in Africa are produced in the low land of Guinea, Liberia to the central basin of the Democratic Republic of Congo. About 70 million people in West and Central Africa derives more than 25% of their carbohydrates from the consumption of plantain, making it one of the major sources of energy in Africa (Swennen, 1990). Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO, 2007) noted that Nigeria is a major producer of plantain in West and Central Africa and ranked fifth highest producer in the World. Plantain consumption in Nigeria in different forms is on the increase because of its high nutritional value, implying the existence of increased market potential for its production. However, plantain output (80%) is left in the hands of subsistence rural farmers (Bayeri, 1996). According to Adesanya, (2008) plantain is consumed in the World today in the form of boiled or roasted, plantain flour, chips and so on. These forms which are widely consumed are rich in protein (1.2%), carbohydrate (35%) and ash (0.8%). It is used in the prevention of kwashiorkor (Idachaba, 1995). The crop ranked third among starchy staples in Nigeria after cassava and yam. It is a major source of carbohydrate to man and domesticated animals. According to Ndubizu, (1995) plantain is said to have advantage of short gestation period of between 14 - 20 months with rapid multiplication ability (suckers) and as such several harvest can be made from one planting unlike other permanent crops. It fruits the year round. Research evidence has shown that plantain cultivation is still largely at the subsistence level within the forest zone of sub - Saharan Africa. The continuous availability of harvested bunches from established plantations makes it possible for the crop to contribute to year round food security and income for farmers. This may be particularly important when seasonal conditions create period of food shortages and other crops are in short supply. The interest of this study premised on the fact that the crop has the capacity to bridge the supply gap of carbohydrate when in high demand especially when other starchy staples are unavailable or difficult to harvest in the dry season. Hence this study focuses on the effects of demographic factors on plantain production in Edo State. II. Methodology: Study Area: The Study was carried out at Ovia Northeast Local Government Area (LGA) of Edo State. The LGA lies between latitude 6 0 -6.9 0 N and longitude 5.5 0 - 5.9 0 E in the North, while it extends through longitude 5.5 0 - 5.6 0 E in the South, with a population of about 153, 849 people and a land mass of 2, 357, 225 square kilometers, with an annual maximum temperature of 30 and minimum of 22℃. The annual average