Pre‐relocation measures as well as measures collected subsequent to it were used to predict employees’ post‐relocation adaptation in a case where an entire plant relocated its premises. The distance between the old and the new site did not require home relocation, with the result that the change was deemed less of a “family issue” than an essentially work and organizational change. The sample consisted of 176 employees, for whom matched before and after questionnaires were available. Pre‐relocation measures included demographics, justification of management’s decision to relocate, and positive and negative emotional reactions to the move. In addition, measures of perceived changes were taken after the move. The three post‐relocation adaptation measures were work satisfaction, loyalty to the organization, and relocation satisfaction. Findings are discussed in the light of previous findings, although most of that research dealt with individual as opposed to plant relocation, and of very few studies dealing with post‐relocation variables.