Background: "Mandagni, the prime etiopathogeni factor of Arshas, leads to constipation, initiating the development of Arshas through prolonged contact of accumulated Mala or excretory material with Gudavali. Among the available treatment modalities, Kshara karma stands out for its convenience, easy adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and curative results. Within this para-surgical approach, various forms of external Kshara application, such as Ksharasutra Ligation (KSL) and Pratisarneeya kshar, are employed to treat Arsha. While Ksharasutra ligation is a surgical procedure, Pratisarneeya kshar involves local application and exhibits effectiveness with a straightforward procedure. Numerous studies on Pratisarneeya kshar have been conducted."Objectives: This study aims to investigate the impact of various types of Pratisarniya kshara on Haemorrhoids. Methods and Materials: The materials were gathered from classical Ayurvedic literature, various magazines, and research journals. Results: Pratisaraneeya Kshara application demonstrates high efficacy in reducing the size of pile mass. Conclusion: Despite recent advancements, these invented techniques exhibit certain limitations and have not been proven entirely free from post-operative complications. This underscores the need for a new and improved treatment that is devoid of complications, ensures a faster cure, and proves economically superior.