Abstract: A considerable advancement of automation over the decades shows automation is very much essential in every sectors especially where time is a major factor. Hence there is a huge demand for automated notification or bell system which has high degree of accuracy and low cost. The main purpose of this project is to develop a smart bell system which can be used all kinds of educational institutions. Smart school bell implement a smart way to manage class periods and breaks without use of manually operated manpower. There is a controller machine, where each class can be set up as desired and from this machine one speaker will be installed in each class. Bell will play in every room through the speakers. The machine will be equipped with a microphone that allows the headmaster or anyone to send the message to all classes simultaneously or to any class separately. The system is made by establishing a serial interface between PIC microcontroller (PIC16F877A) and a Real Time Clock (RTC) is designed with the help of PIC 16F72 module and the LCD display units provide real time and class time separately. The software coding part is done using micro C and hardware implementation is done using the components. The main advantage of this project is due to very easy circuit operation it is easy to operate, cost effective and can be password protected to avoid unauthorized access.
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