In a recent paper, the NANOGrav collaboration studied new physics explanations of the observed pulsar timing residuals consistent with a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) [1], including cosmic strings in the Nambu-Goto (NG) approximation. Analysing one of current models for the loop distribution, it was found that the cosmic string model is disfavored compared to other sources, for example, super massive black hole binaries (SMBHBs). When both SMBHB and cosmic string models are included in the analysis, an upper bound on a string tension Gμ≲ 10-10 was derived. However, the analysis did not accommodate results from cosmic string simulations in an underlying field theory, which indicate that at most a small fraction of string loops survive long enough to emit GW. Following and extending our previous study [2], we suppose that a fraction f NG of string loops follow NG dynamics and emit only GWs, and study the three different models of the loop distribution discussed in the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration analyses.We re-analyse the NANOGrav 15yrs data with our signal models by using the NANOGrav ENTERPRISE analysis code via the wrapper PTArcade. We find that loop distributions similar to LVK Model B and C yield higher Bayes factor than Model A analysed in the NANOGrav paper, as they can more easily accommodate a blue-tilted spectrum of the observed amplitude. Furthermore, because of the degeneracy of Gμ and f NG in determining the signal amplitude, our posterior distribution extends to higher values of Gμ, and in some cases the uppermost value of credible intervals is close to the Cosmic Microwave Background limit Gμ≲ 10-7.Hence, in addition to the pulsar timing array data, further information about the fraction of long-lived loops in a cosmic string network is required to constrain the string tension.
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