To the Editor: —Concerning my answer to the California physician's query (The Journal, March 11, p. 766) against which Dr. Wolbarst voices a dissenting opinion (The Journal, May 13, p. 1558) I feel that his criticism deserves an answer. On the true facts rests the entire question of the prevention of posterior urethral infection. At the same time I admire Dr. Wolbarst and his work so greatly that I am loath to enter a discussion against his opinion. His dissenting opinion is raised against my statement that, if the anterior urethra is only partially filled with injected fluid, the tonic contraction of the cut-off muscle will prevent any of it passing into the posterior urethra, no matter how long it is retained. Against the truth of this statement he opposes an experience of over thirty years in urology. However, he has not raised a question that cannot be settled easily
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