Mechanized harvesting of the main crop rice, with low stubble height in rice ratooning is scaling up, especially in Southeast China with a higher population density and less cultivated land. Currently, the common nitrogen fertilization for ratoon rice is concentrated within 20 days before and after the harvest of the main crop. However, this fertilization pattern may not be suitable for low stubble regenerative rice due to its extended growth period, leading to diminished nitrogen utilization efficiency and heightened greenhouse gas emissions, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. It is imperative to explore a nitrogen fertilizer management model for clean production of low stubble ratoon rice (RR). In this study, we examined the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application rates and methods (single or split application) on yield and greenhouse gas emissions during the regrowth season. We employed a multi-criteria assessment approach combined with field measurements, energy analysis, environmental assessment, and economic evaluation on ratoon rice under various nitrogen fertilizer treatments. The results showed that the ratoon rice produced the highest total energy output under 67.5 N+22.5 N (Fertilize with 67.5 kg nitrogen ha−1 and 22.5 kg nitrogen ha−1 3 days after main season rice harvesting and during the heading stage of ratoon rice) treatment compared to the 90 N+0 N (conventional fertilization, apply 90 kg nitrogen ha−1 fertilizer 3 days after harvesting at once) treatment. It was also found that reducing nitrogen application during the tillering stage reduced CH4 emissions, fertilization during the heading stage of the ratoon rice did not increase CH4 emissions, Since fertilization during the heading stage of ratoon rice did not lead to an increase in the partitioning of photoassimilates (photosynthetic product assimilates) to the rhizosphere soil, significant differences in sugar and acetic acid levels were not observed in the rhizosphere soil. As a result, no change was found in the expression of the methanogenic mcrA gene in the microbial community. The study also demonstrated that the 67.5 N+22.5 N treatment was able to promote the absorption of nitrogen nutrients, reduction in N2O emissions by 16.61%, subsequently increasing resource use efficiency, final yield and net ecosystem economic benefit by 5.96%, 7.19% and 5.57%, respectively, thereby decreasing carbon and nitrogen footprints by 6.64% and 3.50% compared with the 90 N+0 N treatment in the ratoon rice. These results suggest that a reasonable ratoon rice cultivation scheme is a promising farming system that can simultaneously improve resource use efficiency and economic profits, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental footprint, while still maintaining the high productivity in ratoon rice.
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