Protein phosphorylation plays an important role in physiological processes, such as muscle contraction. Phospho-specific antibodies have become powerful tools to study these processes. Cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) is one of the proteins that make up the contractile apparatus of cardiomyocytes. Phosphorylation of cMyBP-C is essential for normal cardiac function, since dephosphorylation of this protein leads to its degradation and has been associated with cardiomyopathy. One of the upstream kinases, which phosphorylate cMyBP-C, is protein kinase D (PKD). While studying the role of PKD in cMyBP-C phosphorylation, we tried to analyze phosphorylation of PKD with a phospho-specific PKD-Ser744/748 antibody. Contrary to the expected 115 kDa, a signal was found for a 150-kDa protein. By MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, we identified this protein to be cMyBP-C. These data were confirmed by immunostaining using the p-PKD-Ser744/748 antibody, which displayed a striated pattern similar to the one observed for a regular cMyBP-C antibody. To our knowledge there are no antibodies commercially available for phosphorylated cMyBP-C. Thus, the p-PKD-Ser744/748 antibody can accelerate research into the role of cMyBP-C phosphorylation in cardiomyocytes.