Аrticle emphasize philosophy as a special type of worldview arose as a response to the eternal need for man to expand the worldview, which is developing historically. Inherent inquisitiveness of people gradually grows into an intellectual need for limitless expansion and deepening of knowledge about the world, the human intellect tries to grasp the world with its mind in such angles that cannot be given by any experience, the intellect seeks to gain knowledge about the world as a holistic reality that a person must constantly take into account in forming programs of their behavior in society. The discipline «Philosophical propaedeutics» at the V. G. Korolenkо Poltava National Pedagogical University is taught to students of the second (master’s) level of higher education, specialty 033 Philosophy. The purpose of teaching the educational discipline «Philosophical propaedeutics» is to master the philosophical categorical toolkit, get acquainted with concepts and approaches, the specifics of the subject of philosophy, and the main philosophical problems. In the process of mastering the course «Philosophical propaedeutics», students must understand what is the specificity of philosophy, master its problematic field, understand the specifics of the philosophical knowledge of the world, understand the main categories, concepts and terms, on the one hand, and the principles and methods of knowledge, on the other hand. The course is also aimed at developing the skills of critical reading of propaedeutic philosophical literature, working with dictionaries, encyclopedias and other scientific literature, philosophical reflection and primary reasoning skills. The educational and professional program for the specialty «Philosophy» of the second (master’s) level of training defines a list of specific general and special competencies, as well as predicted learning outcomes that students must achieve as a result of studying this discipline. During the study of the course, the attention of applicants is drawn to the fact that philosophical propaedeutics is a preliminary cycle of lectures that acquaints young students (readers) with the peculiarities of philosophy as an educational discipline; It provides preparation for creative assimilation of the topics of the philosophy course and for independent study of philosophy. The task of philosophical propaedeutics is to prepare students (students, readers) for the transition from the level of their everyday worldview to the level of a theoretical worldview, from a chaotic worldview to a conscious worldview, from a worldview based on faith to a worldview based on evidence, which relies on reason.