The article provides an analysis of the state and assortment of existing shrubby vegetation in the City Park of Culture and Recreation named after. Gorky and Victory Park, Saratov. Green spaces perform a number of important environmental functions: reducing noise, gas pollution and dustiness of the air, enrichment with oxygen and phytoncides, improving microclimatic indicators, etc. When classifying green spaces, the approaches outlined in the work of T.G. Guzenko were used. During the survey of plantings, the species affiliation of shrubs was established, the Latin names of species are given according to S.K Cherepanov. The species diversity on the presented objects is quite high. To improve the living condition of shrubby vegetation, it is necessary to additionally reconstruct or create a hedge around the perimeter of landscaping facilities, which will isolate the indoor air environment of plantings from various pollutants. The most promising species for increasing the share of shrubs in the park can be considered Mahonia aquifolium Nutt, Symphoricarpos albus L., Córnus álba, Lonícera caprifólium L., Juniperus media P.J. van Melle, Ribes aureum Pursh, Philadelphus coronarius L., Syringa vulgaris L., which have proven themselves well in these environmental conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the introduction of coniferous species such as, Thúja occidentális L., Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., Juniperus media P.J. van Melle into plantings.
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