The origin of large-amplitude magnetic field deflections in the solar wind, known as magnetic switchbacks, is still under debate. These structures, which are ubiquitous in the in situ observations made by Parker Solar Probe (PSP), likely have their seed in the lower solar corona, where small-scale energetic events driven by magnetic reconnection could provide conditions ripe for either direct or indirect generation. We investigated potential links between in situ measurements of switchbacks and eruptions originating from the clusters of small-scale solar coronal loops known as coronal bright points to establish whether these eruptions act as precursors to switchbacks. We traced solar wind switchbacks from PSP back to their source regions using the ballistic back-mapping and potential field source surface methods, and analyzed the influence of the source surface height and solar wind propagation velocity on magnetic connectivity. Using extreme ultraviolet images, we combined automated and visual approaches to identify small-scale eruptions (e.g., jets) in the source regions. The jet occurrence rate was then compared with the rate of switchbacks captured by PSP. We find that the source region connected to the spacecraft varies significantly depending on the source surface height, which exceeds the expected dependence on the solar cycle and cannot be detected via polarity checks. For two corotation periods that are straightforwardly connected, we find a matching level of activity (jets and switchbacks), which is characterized by the hourly rate of events and depends on the size of the region connected to PSP. However, no correlation is found between the two time series of hourly event rates. Modeling constraints and the event selection may be the main limitations in the investigation of a possible correlation. Evolutionary phenomena occurring during the solar wind propagation may also influence our results. These results do not allow us to conclude that the jets are the main switchback precursors, nor do they rule out this hypothesis. They may also indicate that a wider range of dynamical phenomena are the precursors of switchbacks.
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