Metasediments in the southern Grossvenediger area (Tauern Window, Austria) were studied along a cross‐section through rocks of increasing metamorphic grade from the margin of the Tauern Window in the south to the base of the Upper Schieferhülle, including the Eclogite Zone, in the north.In the southern part of the cross‐section there is no evidence for a pre‐late Alpine metamorphic history in the form of high‐pressure relics or pseudomorphs. Mineral assemblages are characterized by the stability of tremolite + calcite, biotite + calcite and biotite + chlorite + calcite. In the northern part a more complete Alpine metamorphic evolution is preserved. Primary high‐pressure assemblages are dolomite + quartz, tremolite + zoisite, zoisite + dolomite + quartz + phengite I and probably tremolite + dolomite + phengite I. Secondary, post‐kinematic assemblages [tremolite + calcite, talc + calcite, phengite II + chlorite + calcite (+ quartz), biotite + chlorite + calcite, biotite + zoisite + calcite] formed as a result of the dominant late Alpine metamorphic overprint. The occurrence of biotite + zoisite + calcite is confined to the northernmost area and defines a biotite–zoisite–calcite isograd. P–T estimates based on standard thermobarometric techniques and on stability relationships of tremolite + calcite + dolomite + quartz and zoisite give consistent results. P–T conditions of the main Tertiary metamorphic overprint were 525° C, P= 7.5 ± 1 kbar in the northern part of the cross‐section. The southern part was metamorphosed at lower temperatures of 430–470° C. The Si‐content of phengites from this area is almost as high as that of phengites from the Eclogite Zone (Simax= 3.4 pfu). Pressures > 10 kbar at 420° C are suggested by phengite barometry according to Massone & Schreyer (1987). In the absence of high‐pressure relics or pseudomorphs, these phengites, which lack late Alpine re‐equilibration, are the only record that rocks of the southern part probably also experienced an early non‐eclogitic high‐pressure metamorphism.