Background: Emergency healthcare systems are of increasing concern in international healthcare developments and the global fight against the burdens of disease. Concerns about focusing on ambulance response time as a single indicator are addressed by showing a case-sensitive approach for developing emergency health care systems that in return can identify ambulance response as the main indicator for a particular system. Problem description: Data collected by monitoring the time of receiving the call at the ambulance division until transport time.Methods: The fishbone diagram is used as a tool for understanding the process variation, investigate and eliminating unusual occurrences by the following methodology: M.M.M.Main outcomes: Responding time in emergency cases not exceeding 5 minutes; To improve responding time; To improve types of communication; To improve compliance with the logbook of the emergency referred cases. The intervention plan was Continuous Training for the staff and Clear Guidelines for emergency calls. Review and assess the actual implementation of the project. Data will be collected by an Emergency Medical specialist. A copy of the data should be sent to CQI for a continuous monitoring process. Check the data for process improvement (incident report analysis). Document the results of the change. Modify the change, if necessary and possible. The Emergency Medical Technicians quality coordinator will check the Data. Continue improvement by close monitoring of the compliance.Results: the mean response time dropped from 15 minutes in January 2023 to less than 5 minutes in December 2023.Conclusion: this initiative positively impacts the emergency team's response time and improves patient satisfaction. Response time reduction was evident, and the quality of the health care service was improved. Reduction of response time also improved emergency preparedness