Until recently theevidence gained bycomparisons between electrical (Hreflex) andmechanical (tendon jerk) stimulation during theJendrassik manoeuvre hasindicated thatthefusimotor (gammaefferent) systemplaystheparamount roleinfacilitating monosynaptic reflexes byheightening thesensitivity ofthemuscle spindles. Morerecent evidence, making useofthesametechniques, hasraised thequestion that itmaynotbenecessary topostulate facilitation during theJendrassik manoeuvre solely tobethe result of fusimotor biasing ofthespindle. This report deals withexperiments which examine this question bystudying theeffects oftheJendrassik manoeuvre during several conditions (other thanelectrical stimulation) designed tocontrol supraspinal influencesdifferentially. LandauandClare (1964), intheintroduction to their article, havepointed outthattheuseofthe Hoffmanntechnique ofelectrical stimulation of muscle afferents, bywhichtheeffect ofthespindle receptor maybeisolated fromthemotorresponse, hasenabled investigators toinfer that thefacilitation ofmonosynaptic reflexes during theJendrassik manoeuvre occurred bywayoffusimotor alteration ofthesensitivity ofthespindle. TheH reflex seemed resistant toaugmentation during themanoeuvre (Buller andDornhorst, 1957; Paillard, 1959) andit wasreasonable toassumethat thefusimotor neurones, which exclusively innervate theintrafusal fibres ofthespindle (Kuffler, Hunt,andQuilliam, 1951), wereresponsible fortheaugmentation phenomenon. Since 1961there havebeenreports oftheaugmentation oftheH reflex bycontraction ofremote muscles (Benson andGedye,1961;Landauand Clare, 1964). Inaddition, Clare andLandau(1964) haveusedthetechnique of differential nerve blockade (Matthews andRushworth, 1957) tostudy theeffect oftheJendrassik manoeuvre onreflexes Commonwealth postgraduate research scholar 34 which hadbeendepressed bytheselective blockade oftonicfusimotor discharge. Theyfoundthat augmentation ofthereflex becamemoreeffective and'whenthetendon jerk wasabsent, evenwith reinforcement, thedepressed H reflex could still be reinforced'.
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