GPS satellite transmissions have been used to study the development of moderateionospheric phase irregularities. The use of the multi-station, multi-path observations of the GPSbeacons has allowed the study of the time development of irregularities as a function of latitudeand longitude of individual storms. The basic storms studied were those of January 10, April10–11, and May 15, 1997. The results from studying these storms showed the unique nature ofeach storm. For the three storms, data were available from four stations near 65° CorrectedGeomagnetic Latitude (CGL); the stations ranged from Fairbanks to Tromso. In addition, datafrom higher latitude stations are analysed. For the January storm, irregularity development startedat Fairbanks. Then as magnetic midnight approached longitudes to the west, the storm effectsreached the Tromso–Kiruna longitudes. For the April magnetic storm, at 65° CGL, irregularitydevelopment maximized at approximately the same UT at stations ranging in longitude fromFairbanks to Kiruna. For this storm, the development of irregularities was dominated by stormtime. The May storm irregularities were dominated by magnetic local time once the stormcommenced. With both total electron content and rate of change of total electron content (phasefluctuations) available, it was noted that over periods of minutes, clumps of irregularities wereaccompanied by increases in TEC. In addition total electron content increased over large areasduring maximum magnetic activity in the auroral oval. During the storms, ionograms showed thatthe altitude of maximum electron density fluctuated; at times the dominant maximum frequencywas noted in the E layer and at other times in the F layer. This fluctuation of electron density ineach layer during storms led to the conclusion that the turbulent activity within the auroral regiondominated the development of irregularities. The irregularities that are noted on trans-ionosphericpaths are therefore thought to be in both the E and the F layers with a combination of structuredhard and soft electron precipitation and coupling initiating the turbulent activity. The generalpositive correlation of one periods phase scintillation data with the Ultra Violet Imagerobservations as shown on POLAR indicates the importance of 100–200 km precipitation.However the very high occurrence of spread F at high latitudes as shown by both ground andsatellite ionosondes indicates the considerable contributions of F layer irregularities.
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