The pressure and temperature conditions of the transition from spinel to garnet as the stable aluminous phase in peridotite lithologies of the upper mantle is integral to elucidating the tectonic significance of the ‘garnet signature’ in basalts. It provides an essential constraint on models of mantle partial melting and oceanic crust formation. Existing experimental results on the univariant phase transition in the simple systems MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS) and CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) are mutually inconsistent. To resolve this, we have re-determined the P-T coordinates of the univariant transition in both synthetic systems by running experiments containing both systems simultaneously in the piston-cylinder apparatus, along with the MgO-ZnO pressure sensor. These experiments show a ~ 0.4 GPa difference in the pressure of the spinel/garnet phase transition between the two chemical systems at 1400 ºC, double that inferred from a compilation of existing experimental data. Absolute pressure in these experiments can be verified using the MgO-ZnO sensor. The results imply that the thermodynamic data used in recent mineral equations of state based on the Holland-Powell thermodynamic dataset are substantially correct.
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