As one of the ultimate products of hydrocarbon biodegradation, inorganic carbon always be used to evaluate hydrocarbon biodegradation rates in petroleum-hydrocarbon-contaminated (PHC) aquifers. The evaluation method was challenged because of the existence of carbon fixation microorganisms, which may uptake inorganic carbons and consequently cause the biodegradation rates to be underestimated. We wonder if there are carbon fixation microorganisms in PHC aquifers. Although an extremely limited number of carbon fixation microorganisms in PHC sites have been studied in previous studies, the vast majority of microorganisms that participate in carbon fixation have not been systematically identified. To systematically reveal carbon fixation microorganisms and their survival environmental conditions, high-throughput metagenomic sequencing technologies, which are characterized by culture-independent, unbiased, and comprehensive methods for the detection and taxonomic characterization of microorganisms, were introduced to analyze the groundwater samples collected from a PHC aquifer. Results showed that 1041 genera were annotated as carbon fixation microorganisms, which accounted for 49% of the total number of genera in the PHC aquifer. Carbon fixation genes involved in Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB), 3-hydroxy propionate (3HP), reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA), and Wood-Ljungdahl (WL) cycles accounted for 2%, 41%, 34%, and 23% of the total carbon fixation genes, respectively, and 3HP, rTCA, and WL can be deemed as the dominant carbon fixation pathways. Most of the identified carbon fixation microorganisms are potential hydrocarbon biodegraders, and the most abundant carbon fixation microorganisms, such as Microbacterium, Novosphingobium, and Reyranella, were just the most abundant microorganisms in the aquifer system. It's deduced that most of the microorganisms in the aquifer were facultative autotrophic, and undertaking the dual responsibilities of degrading hydrocarbons to inorganic carbon and uptaking inorganic carbon to biomass.
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