The emergence of the Internet of Things and pervasive sensor networks have generated a surge of research in energy scavenging techniques. We know well that harvesting RF, solar, or kinetic energy enables the creation of battery-free devices that can be used where frequent battery changes or dedicated power lines are impractical. One unusual yet ubiquitous source of power is soil (earth itself) - or more accurately, bacterial communities in soil. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are electrochemical cells that harness the activities of microbes that naturally occur in soil, wetlands, and wastewater. MFCs have been a topic of research in environmental engineering and microbiology for decades, but are a relatively new topic in electronics design and research. Most low-power electronics have traditionally opted for batteries, RF energy, or solar cells. This is changing, however, as the limitations and costs of these energy sources hamper our ability to deploy useful systems that last for decades in challenging environments. If large-scale, long-term applications like underground infrastructure monitoring, smart farming, and sensing for conservation are to be possible, we must rethink the energy source.