Introduction- The formation of a bezoar is a relatively rare disease entity. Bezoars are mainly of four types depending on their composition: phytobezoars, trichobezoars, pharmacobezoars, and lactobezoars. Depending on their location in gastrointestinal tract they are classied intoGastric bezoars which often lead to ulcerative lesions in the stomach and subsequent bleeding, and theSmall intestinal bezoars which usually present with small bowel obstruction. Xray abdomen and USG abdomen are less s Diagnosis – ensitive to diagnose bezoars while GI endoscopy and CT scan abdomen better modalities to make a diagnosis of bezoars. A number of a Management- rticles have emphasized the usefulness of CocaCola administration for the dissolution of phytobezoars. However, persimmon phytobezoars are resistant to such dissolution because of their harder consistency.Cellulase and Papain are used to dissolve bezoars. Endoscopic removal, electro-hydrolytic lithotripsy, argon plasma coagulation are a few newer techniques used. Surgical removal of bezoars, both open and laparoscopically are performed if dissolution methods and endoscopic methods fail. Here we provide an overview of the prevalence, classication, predisposing factors, clinical features,diagnosis and management with review and recent updates