To the Editor: We read with interest the article by Hu et al. (1). They suggest that chronic electrical stimulation and/or neurotrophic growth factor can stimulate neurite outgrowth from implanted neurons, although based on electrical auditory brainstem response measurement, these interventions did not induce functional connections to the central auditory pathway. Hearing loss is a major challenge for modern medicine. The loss of inner hair cells in mammals causes a permanent sensorineural hearing loss and initiates a wave of secondary degeneration of auditory neurons, the target neurons of the cochlear implant. The cochlear sensory epithelium in mammals does not regenerate after severe injury. Cochlear implants to restore some hearing after neurosensory hearing loss are the only therapy for these people. Greater numbers of auditory neurons are likely to result in improved clinical outcomes for cochlear implant recipients. Neural stem cells (NSCs) are promising candidates for cochlear cell-based therapy. The finding that olfactory precursor cells of the adult mouse can be converted into hair cells in vitro (2) promise a bright future of NSCs-based treatment. Several investigators have reported evidence for NSC transplantation for the treatment of inner ear diseases. Although implanted NSCs can survive, migrate throughout the cochlea, and express markers of hair cells, supporting cells, and spiral ganglion cells with morphologic and immunohistochemical evidence (3) without physiological information may just indicate the possibility of hair cells but is unable to imply the existence of functional hair cells. Undifferentiated adult NSCs survived for a limited time in the inner ear of rats and guinea pigs, perhaps owing to a lack of essential growth factors, thus emphasizing the importance of environmental cues for survival and differentiation of NSCs (4). The developing cochlear environment plays an important role in regulating differentiation in vivo. Auditory supporting cells provide essential trophic support to auditory hair cells during development (5,6) in the form of the neurotrophins, namely, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and Neurotrophin 3. The expression gradient of these neurotrophins in the cochlea is not static and is hypothesized to be reversed between embryonic development and adulthood (7). Given the complexity of cellular signaling pathways in developing cochlear, this environment is often difficult to mimic completely in vitro. Coculture models provide a method to study differentiation under controlled conditions, with the advantage of being able to replicate some tissue-derived signaling, and have previously been used to successfully direct the differentiation of NSCs into neurons, photoreceptor cells, and hepatocytes and to promote cell survival and expansion in vitro (8). Recent evidence showed that NSCs cultured from the olfactory neuroepithelium of the adult rat exhibit the ability to differentiate into neurons and astrocytes, indicating the multipotentiality of this cell population (9), and NSCs from the olfactory neuroepithelium were capable of differentiating into cells with morphologic and immunohistochemical properties similar to those of adult spiral ganglions (10). Other studies have successfully differentiated stem cells into auditory cell marker-positive cells in vitro (11-13). Given all these considerations, we hypothesized that cocultures would provide an excellent starting point, and the present research was an attempt to, by providing the developing cochlear environment with established coculture model in vitro, induce the differentiation of NSCs toward auditory neurons. Tao Xue, M.D. Li Qiao, M.D. Jian-hua Qiu, M.D. Lian-jun Lu, M.D. Ding-jun Zha, M.D. Fu-quan Chen, M.D. Department of Otolaryngology Xijing Hospital The Fourth Military Medical University Xi'an, PR China
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