In this study, the total velocity potential, for the swaying and rolling cylinder expressed as a sum of a series of linear multi-pole potentials and a dipole potential situated at the origin for incom- pressible, inviscid and irrotational flow. The non-dimensional expression of the dipole potential and its conjugated stream functions are re-obtained by using the mathematical expressions with complete alge- braic manipulations. The total velocity potential UT ðx; y; tÞ, for the swaying and rolling cylinder which is a periodic harmonic function of time t, may be expressed as a sum of a series of linear multi-pole potentials and a dipole potential situated at the origin (1),(2). The x-axis is horizontal which coincides with the free surface of the fluid and is perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder and the y-axis is vertical, positive downward and going through the mean position of the axis of the cylinder. De Jong (1) formulated the problem as follows: In a fluid of infinite depth a cylinder is considered which is oscil- lating one-dimensionally and harmonically with a frequency of x while the mean posi- tion of its axis is assumed to lie in the free surface of the undisturbed fluid. De Jong assumed the amplitude of the oscillation to be small with respect to the diam- eter of the cylinder and the length of the waves generated by the oscillation, so that in the linearized approximation, the values of all physical quantities could be referred to the mean position of the cylinders. Taking the cylinder very long with respect to the breadth or enclosing the cylinder at both ends between two infinitely long walls per- pendicular to the axis of the cylinder, De Jong neglected the velocity components par- allel to the axis of the cylinder and consequently the motion is two-dimensional. The determination of the motions of the fluid under influence of the harmonic oscillation of the cylinder could be reduced to the solution of a boundary-value prob- lem from the linear potential theory. So, the velocity potential UT ðx; y; tÞ is also a periodic harmonic function of time. Therefore, the potential expressed is given in the following form, using complex notation, UTðx; y; t Þ¼� i/ T ðx; yÞe ixt : ð1Þ
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