This paper investigates the potential of deploying flaps on wind turbine blades to enhance their efficiency and energy capture capabilities. The FX66-S-196V, FX63-137 S, and SG6043 supercritical airfoils were used and distributed along the blade radius. Flaps, situated 20% along the trailing edge of the blade chord, offer a means of actively controlling aerodynamic forces and optimizing blade performance under varying wind conditions. Through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and optimization techniques. The aerodynamic effects of flap deployment on wind turbine blades are analyzed. The study explores the impact of flap angle, position, and deployment strategy on key performance metrics such as power coefficient, lift-to-drag ratio, and energy extraction efficiency. Results demonstrate that judiciously deploying flaps can lead to significant improvements in turbine efficiency, with power output enhancements ranging from 2.5% to 4.6%, depending on operating conditions such as wind speed, tip speed ratio, angle of attack, and flap angle setting. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis reveals optimal flap configurations for different wind regimes, highlighting the importance of adaptive control strategies. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on active aerodynamic control techniques for wind turbine optimization and underscores the potential of flaps as a viable means of enhancing wind turbine blade efficiency in practical applications.
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