Cryogenic magnetic refrigeration materials based on magnetocaloric effect can be used for hydrogen liquefaction. In this work, glass formation ability (GFA), magnetocaloric effect (MCE), refrigeration performance of melt-extracted HoDyGdCoAl amorphous ribbons have been investigated. Amorphous ribbons undergo a second order magnetic phase transition which achieve a table-like behavior broaden the range of magnetic transition temperature in hydrogen liquefaction.The maximum magnetic entropy change (-ΔSmaxM), the δTFWHM and the refrigeration capacity (RC) achieved 10.9 J/ (kg K), 84.2 K and 742.4 J/ kg (x = 5) and 11.2 J/ (kg K), 69.8 K and 643.0 J/ kg (x = 20) under a magnetic field change of 7 T, respectively. Combining wide magnetic transition temperature and large refrigerant capacity, the present amorphous ribbons can be used as potential magnetic refrigerant materials in hydrogen liquefaction temperature region.