Phosphoinnelite, an analogue of innelite with P > S, has been found in a peralkaline pegmatite vein crosscutting calcite carbonatite at the phlogopite deposit, Kovdor pluton, Kola Peninsula. Cancrinite (partly replaced with thomsonite-Ca), orthoclase, aegirine-augite, pectolite, magnesioarfvedsonite, golyshevite, and fluorapatite are associated minerals. Phosphoinnelite occurs as lath-shaped crystals up to 0.2 × 1 × 6 mm in size, which are combined typically in bunch-, sheaf-, and rosettelike segregations. The color is yellow-brown, with vitreous luster on crystal faces and greasy luster on broken surfaces. The mineral is transparent. The streak is pale yellowish. Phosphoinnelite is brittle, with perfect cleavage parallel to the {010} and good cleavage parallel to the {100}; the fracture is stepped. The Mohs hardness is 4.5 to 5. Density is 3.82 g/cm3 (meas.) and 3.92 g/cm3 (calc.). Phosphoinnelite is biaxial (+), α = 1.730, β = 1.745, and γ = 1.764, 2V (meas.) is close to 90°. Optical orientation is Z^c ∼ 5°. Chemical composition determined by electron microprobe is as follows (wt %): 6.06 Na2O, 0.04 K2O, 0.15 CaO, 0.99 SrO, 41.60 BaO, 0.64 MgO, 1.07 MnO, 1.55 Fe2O3, 0.27 Al2O3, 17.83 SiO2, 16.88 TiO2, 0.74 Nb2O5, 5.93 P2O5, 5.29 SO3, 0.14 F, −O=F2 = −0.06, total is 99.12. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of (Si,Al)4O14 is (Ba3.59Sr0.13K0.01)Σ3.73(Na2.59Mg0.21Ca0.04)Σ3.04(Ti2.80Fe 0.26 3+ Nb0.07)Σ3.13[(Si3.93Al0.07)Σ4O14(P1.11S0.87)Σ1.98O7.96](O2.975F0.10)Σ3.075. The simplified formula is Ba4Na3Ti3Si4O14(PO4,SO4)2(O,F)3. The mineral is triclinic, space group P \(\overline 1 \) or P1. The unit cell dimensions are a = 5.38, b = 7.10, c = 14.76 A; α = 99.00°, β = 94.94°, γ = 90.14°; and V = 555 A3, Z = 1. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder pattern [d, A in (I)(hkl)] are: 14.5(100)(001), 3.455(40)(103), 3.382(35)(0\(\overline 2 \)2), 2.921(35)(005), 2.810(40)(1\(\overline 1 \)4), 2.683(90)(200, \(\overline 2 \)01), 2.133(80)(\(\overline 2 \) \(\overline 2 \)2), 2.059(40)(204, 1\(\overline 3 \)3, 221), 1.772(30)(0\(\overline 4 \)1, 1\(\overline 2 \)7, 2\(\overline 3 \)2, 2\(\overline 3 \)3). The infrared spectrum is demonstrated. An admixture of P substituting S has been detected in the innelite samples from the Inagli pluton (South Yakutia, Russia). An innelite-phosphoinnelite series with a variable S/P ratio has been discovered. The type material of phosphoinnelite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.