This paper presents the results of calculating the van der Waals friction force (dissipative fluctuation-electromagnetic force) between metallic (Au) plates in relative motion at temperatures close to 1 K. The stopping tangential force arises between moving plates along with the usual Casimir force of attraction, which has been routinely measured with high precision over the past two decades. At room temperatures, the former force is 10 orders of magnitude less than the latter, but at temperatures T<50 K, friction increases sharply. The calculations have been carried out in the framework of the Levin-Polevoi-Rytov fluctuation electromagnetic theory. For metallic plates with perfect crystal lattices and without defects, van der Waals friction force is shown to increase with decreasing temperature as T−4. In the presence of residual resistance ρ0 of the metal, a plateau is formed on the temperature dependence of the friction force at T→0 with a height proportional to ρ0−0.8. Another important finding is the weak force-distance dependence ~a−q (with q<1). The absolute values of the friction forces are achievable for measurements in AFM-based experiments.
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