The aim of the present study is to develop a foreign language teaching responsibility perception scale for pre-service foreign language teachers. While teacher responsibilities are discussed by many stakeholders, it was identified that there is no scale in the literature on what pre-service foreign language teachers feel responsible for. Following the literature review, the form developed was finalised by making the necessary arrangements after the opinions of the experts for content validity. The researchers administered the scale in printed form to 354 participants who were studying in the 3rd and 4th grades in the Foreign Language Education departments of the Faculties of Education in Ankara. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied for the construct validity of the scale. As a result of EFA, a three-factor structure was determined, consisting of 29 items in total: 15 items in the first factor, 7 items in the second factor, and 7 items in the third factor. The total eigenvalue of the scale was calculated as 51,529%. Cronbach Alpha value was calculated for reliability. While the Cronbach Alpha value of the scale was calculated as 0.904, the Cronbach Alpha values of the factors were calculated as 0.920; 0.858; 0.854 respectively. Item-total correlations and comparisons between upper and lower groups showed that all items in the scale were discriminative. In the light of the validity and reliability analysis results, it can be said that a measurement tool with the necessary psychometric properties was developed within the scope of the current study.
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