Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology whereby scientists are motivated to study theunderlying mechanisms of the higher mental processes in human beings. Therefore, to other disciplines,cognitive scientists are interested in understanding human perception, decision-making, attention,problem-solving, thinking, and the development of speech among other mental processes. On the otherhand, the term cognition is derived from ‘cognosco’, which in Latin translates to making decisions,discovering, learning, investigating, studying, or recognizing. However, cognition has been defined bymost scientists as the processes involved in transforming, reducing, elaborating, storing, recovering,and using the sensory signal (input). Generally, cognitive psychology is focused on understanding themental processes of acquiring, processing, and storing information in human beings (Ruisel, 2010, p.268).This research paper discuss the concept of cognitive psychology and its concept as it greatlyaffects the learning power of the human being and play a vital role in educational institutions for thegrowth of students while effective learning processes