In structural biology, peptide bonds, fundamental linkages between hundreds of amino acids, of which a protein molecule is composed, have been commonly treated as a plane structure just as Linus Pauling et al. proposed. In this paper, a site-specific peptide bond relaxation mechanism by deuterons whose localization has been suggested by neutron crystallography is proposed. Such deuteron was observed as an arm of neutron scattering length density protruding from the carbonyl oxygen atoms in the main chain in the omit map drawn by neutron crystallography of human lysozyme. Our comprehensive study using x-ray and neutron diffraction and 15 N chemical shifts of individual amide nitrogen atoms within the same peptide bond strongly suggests the relaxation of the electronic resonance structure because of site-specific modulation by protons/deuterons localized on the electron orbital of the carbonyl oxygen. All experimental data used in this examination were obtained at room temperature, which is preferable for enzymatic activity. Such a close interaction between the electron resonance structure of a peptide bond and the exchangeable protons/deuterons well agreed with that observed in an intermediate state in an amide hydrolytic reaction simulated by the ab-initio calculation including water molecules.
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