The assessment of village progress takes more into account economic and physical aspects and pays less attention to the sociocultural aspects carried out by the community. Socioeconomic pressures on village communities can hinder people's opportunities to learn about the culture rooted in the community. The research question is how to drive sociocultural change in villages through persuasive communication and social learning. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods such as in-depth interviews and participatory observation. This research was carried out in Jabung, Central Java, Indonesia, at the end of 2022. The results of the study show the importance of revitalizing sociocultural values that are rooted in village communities, such as mutual cooperation [gotong royong], mutual respect [unggah-ungguh], acceptance and gratitude [nrimo], respecting ancestors, and respecting the value of life for all living things. The results of sociocultural revitalization are supported through persuasive communication approaches, social learning processes, and collective community involvement. Theoretically, this research shows a conceptual correlation between sociocultural change, persuasive communication, and the social learning process.
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