It is currently assumed that interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome is caused by damage to the glycosaminoglycane layer on the urothelium of the urinary bladder. This layer can be repaired by oral therapy with pentosan polysulfate sodium. The focus of this article is on the history of this drug, its efficacy, its valuation in guidelines and especially the possible correlation with maculopathy. Literature research in PubMed and Embase. PPS has a US and European approval for the therapy of IC characterised by glomerulations or a Hunner lesion detected by endoscopy and bladder distension. Its efficacy was proven in randomised trials. This led to a recommendation as a basic pharmaceutical therapy (in addition to behavioural intervention, dietary therapy or other drug treatments such as pain therapy). After a treatment period of six months, efficacy should be re-evaluated. Side-effects include mild haemodilution, nausea and loss of hair. Two publications of a US eye clinic have recently postulated a correlation between prolonged high-dose therapy with PPS and a special kind of maculopathy. Although this correlation was rejected in a large-scale health service study in Germany, a "red-hand-letter" led to the recommendation to perform an ophthalmologic examination before and during the treatment with PPS. Due to a pending litigation between payers and the distributor, PPS is currently out of trade in Germany. However, PPS can still be prescribed but must be imported from adjacent European countries. Unfortunately, these modalities have led to a significant undersupply of patients with IC/BPS. It is feared that this undersupply will increase further as the litigation is ongoing. Being the only causally acting compound in the therapy of IC/BPS, PPS has an exceptional status. Although an ongoing litigation is pending in Germany and the correlation with maculopathy is still unclear, PPS must remain part of the current and future therapy of IC/BPS.
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