High temporal (⩾10 µs) and spatial (⩾4 mm) resolution electron density profiles can now be automatically obtained on a between-shot basis from profile reflectometry data on the DIII-D tokamak. Fast, automated analysis is made possible by a new between-shot analysis package, details of which are presented. Analysis of X-mode data covering ∼0–3 × 1019 m−3 with 1 ms duration data bursts every 5 ms for 5–6 s, for a total of ∼1000 profiles, takes 4–5 min, allowing the profiles to be viewed and used between shots. Additional details are provided of how the system density coverage at the above temporal and spatial resolution was recently expanded to (0–6.4) × 1019 m−3 using a novel simultaneous, dual-polarization (O- and X- mode) measurement technique. Automatic (but not between-shot) analysis for the complete O- and X-mode data set (1.5 GB for each discharge, about 100 000 profiles at 25 µs temporal resolution) is available after the experiment. The improved capabilities of the system are illustrated using new results from a variety of areas such as edge localized mode dynamics, L–H transition and pedestal physics, impurity deposition and ITB studies, and direct comparisons with Thomson data are presented.
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