1. INTRODUCTIONHomogeneous lipid bilayer vesicles show a variety of shapes in water such as sphere, prolate, oblate,starfish, stomatocyte, tube and so on. These shape deformations may play important roles in thebiomembrane transport processes of the living cell membranes and well described by an area-differencefree energy (ADE) model [1], which consists of two terms, the Helfrich bending energy and the elasticenergy originating from area difference between inner and outer leaflets under constraints of fixed totalvolume and total surface area [2]. The important parameters to determine the shape of the vesicle are excessarea defined by a ratio of the total area to total volume, and the area difference. If we add salts outside of thevesicle, the excess area increases with elapse of time due to the osmotic pressure difference and the vesiclesshow a parade of deformation with repeating bifurcations. On the other hand, multi-component vesicles show a phase separation, which forms domain structure onthe vesicle [3]. In this case the domain boundary energy governs the total free energy and leads the domaincoarsening and the budding. Recently we found that the dynamical coupling between the shape deformationand the phase separation brings astonishing shape deformation pathways.2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONIn this study, we prepared the spherical ternary vesicles in homogeneous one phase region and thenadded salts outside of the vesicles. When the vesicles deformed to appropriate shapes, we decreased thetemperature to the coexisting two phase region where the shape deformation induced by the osmotic pressuredifference couples with the phase separation. In the domain coarsening stage, every polygonal (prolate,discocyte, and starfish) vesicle showed a shape convergence to discocytes with two large domains in bothflat sides. This shape convergence indicates that in the presence of two stiff domains the morphologyminimizing the ADE energy is a discocyte shape. Meanwhile, a tube vesicle deformed to a necklace structurecomposed of a chain of discocytes with two domains in both flat sides, like a pearling instability. For a shorttube having a small excess area, the domains showed coarsening and the vesicle finally transformed into adiscocyte, whereas for a long tube having a large excess area, the domain coarsening was kinetically trapped,which may be due to the bending penalty of the matrix. After the coarsening, domains started to bud towardinside or outside of the vesicle depending on the excess area. These unique shape-deformation branches canbe explained by the free energy analyses based on the ADE model for a multi-domain vesicle under thegeometrical constraints [4].REFERENCES1. U. Seifert, Adv. Phys. 46 (1997) 13.2. M. Yanagisawa, M. Imai, T. Masui, S. Komura and T. Ohta, Biophys. J. 92 (2007) 115.3. S. Veatch and S. Keller, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1746 (2005) 172.4. M. Yanagisawa, M. Imai and T. Taniguchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. in press.